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Judson Brandeis, MD

Judson Brandeis, MD, is a board-certified urologist who currently practices men’s health and sexual medicine in Northern California. Dr. Brandeis attended Brown University, Vanderbilt Medical School, and received a Howard Hughes Medical Institute Research Award for his year of transplantation immunology research at Harvard Medical School. He completed two years of general surgical training and four years of urology residency at UCLA Medical Center and served as Chief of Urology at John Muir Hospital and at Hill Physicians from 2012 to 2018. Dr. Brandeis has been a pioneer in surgical robotics, Greenlight Laser, and MRI prostate biopsy.
At BrandeisMD, he performs clinical research using shockwave therapy, platelet-rich plasma, high-intensity focused electromagnetic waves, microvascular ultrasound, and nutritional supplements for conditions such as sexual dysfunction and Peyronie’s disease. Dr. Brandeis is on the Board of Advisors for BioTE, GAINSWave, and BTL. He is the CEO of AFFIRM Science, which creates nutritional supplements based on current scientific data, formulating products that include AFFIRM, PreLONG, SupporT, and SPUNK. Dr. Brandeis is a member in good standing of the American Urologic Association, the Sexual Medicine Society of North America, and the International Society of Sexual Medicine. He has been voted Top Urologist in the Bay Area by San Francisco Magazine for eight consecutive years, 2014 to 2021, and has appeared on The Doctors TV show and numerous pod- casts, including Ben Greenfield Fitness and Dr. Drew.
BrandeisMD.com, www.AFFIRMScience.com
Michael Abassian, MPH

Michael Abassian, MPH, is a graduate of UC Berkeley’s School of Public Health with a degree in epidemiology and biostatistics, and a degree in human biology from UCLA. As a Public Health Associate during his time with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Michael conducted on the ground research and health impact assessments to influence health policy and improve population wellbeing. His passion for public health practice and research has developed his in tersest in the epidemiology of chronic disease, nutritional epidemiology, social epidemiology, and global health. He has participated in epidemiological research to identify and analyze health trends both in the United States and overseas and plans to pursue a career in clinical and epidemiologic research.
Brian Banmiller

Brian Banmiller is a respected, well-known broadcast journalist who has spent more than 40 years in the news industry, covering business, politics, and the economy on television, radio, and in print. He was executive producer and anchor of the nationally syndicated television business news magazine On The Money with Brian Banmiller. He continues his four- decade-long career as a national business reporter for CBS News Radio where his Banmiller on Business reports are delivered to an audience of millions nationwide. Brian has reported on the rise, decline, and rebirth of Silicon Valley, the fall of communism in Russia, the rise of capitalism in China, the ongoing threat of war in Korea, the economic future of Hong Kong, political instability in the Philippines, Brexit in England, and the fractures in the European Union. He has also interviewed hun- dreds of well-known politicians and business leaders. www.banmilleronbusiness.com
Russell Bartels, MD

Russell Bartels, MD, is a gynecologist who has been in private practice in Scottsdale, Arizona, since 2002. With sexual health and wellness for men and women as his primary focus, Dr. Bartels combines the synergistic effects of hormone optimization, peptide therapy, and non-invasive procedures to help his patients feel better, function better, and look better. He is an expert on a number of innovative therapies, including Femi Lift, Viv eve, Cliovana, O Shot for women, GAINS Wave, Precision ED Solution, and P Shot for men. In addition, Dr. Bartels lectures at conferences and trains physicians in vaginal rejuvenation, as well as treatments for erectile dysfunction and related symptoms, utilizing shockwave therapy, platelet-rich plasma, and hormone replacement therapy. He also offers a host of aesthetic services, including injectables, laser treatments, skincare, and Cool Sculpting, as well as weight loss programs. In addition, Dr. Bartels serves as a key opinion leader for several medical device manufacturers.
Ethan Basch, MD

Ethan Basch, MD, is Chief of Oncology at the University of North Carolina, and Physician-in-Chief of the North Carolina Cancer Hospital. He graduated from Brown University and Harvard Medical School and did his internship and residency at Massachusetts General Hospital and fellowship at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. Dr. Basch specializes in the treatment of prostate cancer and has been involved with setting national guidelines for the treatment of prostate cancer. He has served on the Board of Scientific Advisors of the National Cancer Institute and the Board of Directors of the American Society of Medical Oncology. Previously, he founded Natural Standard, a resource that presents scientific evidence on natural therapies.
Dirk Bauer

Dirk Bauer founded the FUN FACTORY at his kitchen table in 1995. He and his friend and fellow engineer Michael Pahl dreamed of creating colorful, high quality erotic toys made of 100% medical grade silicone. A year later, FUN FACTORY was launched. Bauer has now been at the helm of the company for 25 years. FUN FACTORY was the first sex toy brand to win a mainstream design award, the first to make waterproof toys, and the first to make rechargeable toys. In his spare time, Bauer enjoys biking along the banks of the Weser River.
Brett Beaver, LMFT

Brett Beaver, LMFT, is a licensed marriage and family therapist with more than 25 years of experience working with couples and families as well as individuals (adults, teenagers, and children). Brett brings a comprehensive range of best practices and processes to both individual therapy and group facilitation, based on his experience working in public health services and private consulting. The focus of his work includes life balance, stress reduction, and workplace communications. His approach encourages thought and self-examination to improve the quality of personal relationships and professional life. Brett holds a Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California (USC) in marriage and family therapy.
Lawrence Bienati, MBA, PhD

Lawrence Bienati, MBA, Ph.D., is a former senior leader in global medical device and healthcare companies. In addition, he is a management consultant to many world-renowned organizations in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors. Over the last 30 years, he has served as an associate professor of organizational strategy, executive leadership, strategic human resources, and organizational development at the graduate and doctoral levels playing a role in the development of our next generations of leaders. He has served at a number of universities in the San Francisco Bay Area, including Saint Mary’s College, UC Berkeley, Cal Maritime, Sacramento State, and California Northstate University. He is also the chief executive officer of Bienati Consulting Group, Inc.
Arthur Bookstein, MPH

Arthur Bookstein, MPH, is a medical student at the University of Southern California Keck School of Medicine. He is a graduate of UC Berkeley with degrees in molecular and cell biology and public health and hopes to become a primary care physician who treats and empowers patients regardless of background. He plans to continue cancer epidemiology research, teaching, and social justice advocacy while pursuing a medical career. In his free time, he loves cycling, tennis, piano, and traveling
Susan Bratton

Susan Bratton, Intimacy Expert to Millions, is a champion and advocate for all those who desire lifelong intimacy and passion. She is co-founder and CEO of two organiza tions: Personal Life Media, Inc., a publisher of heart connected lovemaking techniques and bedroom communication skills, and The20, LLC, a manufacturer of organic botanical supplements that enhance sexual vitality. In addition, Ms. Bratton is a best selling author and publisher of 34 books and programs, including Sexual Soulmates, Relationship Magic, Revive Her Drive, Ravish Him, Steamy Sex Ed, The Passion Patch, and Hormone Balancing. She has been featured in the New York Times and on CNBC and the TODAY Show and has had frequent appearances on ABC, CBS, The CW, Fox, and NBC. You can find The Susan Bratton Show at betterlover.com, her personal shares on Instagram @susanbratton, and her lust for life supplements, FLOW, and DESIRE, at The20store.com.
www.betterlover.com, www.the20store.com
Armin Brott

Armin Brott is a nationally recognized authority on men’s health, and author of Blueprint for Men’s Health, and Your Head: An Owner’s Manual, as well as other books on the topic. He is co-founder of HealthyMen.org and creator of the nationally syndicated Healthy Men column. Armin is also a thought leader on the subject of fatherhood whose best-selling books include The Expectant Father, The New Father, The Single Father, and Father for Life. His columns, radio shows, public speaking, and media appearances have helped millions of men around the world become the fathers they want to be and that their children need them to be.
Robert J. Buonfiglio, PhD

I am a clinical psychologist in private practice, Berkeley-certified executive coach, past president of the California Psychological Association, past president of the San Francisco Psychological Association, the chairperson of the clinical advisory board at I V Y Labs. I seek to help you to live with passion and vitality!
My experience as a leader, advisor, and clinical psychologist help me in coaching professionals seeking to live more optimally. However, my most valuable asset in coaching others towards living with vitality is that I am a fellow traveler on this journey. Through our work together, you will reflect upon your life, identify what matters to you, what needs to change, what you need more of, and what needs to be reduced or omitted. We will consider obstacles that may be in your way, and develop action plans so you can achieve your goal of living with passion. Through building awareness, you will be able to assess your choices, and then take action steps in the direction that best aligns with your values, interests, and desires. Practicing self-care, and having better boundaries with work will aid in your quest to live the life you truly desire to live.
Adriana Bustamante, PhD

Adriana Bustamante, PhD, is a clinical psychologist in behavioral and cognitive therapy. She is currently writing a doctoral thesis entitled “E-health for addiction treatment: cognitive and behavioral therapies in mobile apps for smoking cessation in France” under Pr. Lucia Romo, assistant professor in psychopathology at the University Paris Nanterre. Ms. Bustamante is a consultant and researcher for the mobile app for smoking cessation, Kwit SAS, under contract with the National Association of Research and Technology (ANRT).
Miguel Canales, MD

Miguel Canales, MD, founded the Silicon Valley Hair Institute to provide advanced treatments for hair transplantation. Dr. Canales attended Stanford University, received his MD from Harvard Medical School, and completed his surgical residency at Stanford. He is an internationally recognized specialist in robotic hair transplantation and an expert in diagnosing and treating hair loss. As the former medical director of Restoration Robotics, Inc. (the manufacturer robotic of a hair transplantation system), he pioneered the clinical development of the ARTAS Robotic Procedure. Dr. Canales led a team of principal investigators to achieve FDA clearance. He has trained plastic surgeons, hair restoration surgeons, and dermatologists in the ARTAS Robotic System throughout the U.S., Asia, Europe, and Latin America. In addition, Dr. Canales is a participant on more than eleven critical patents that are the basis for robotic hair transplantation.
Bernard M. Churchill, MD

Bernard M. Churchill, MD, received his medical education at Harvard University and the Universities of Alberta and Toronto. He served as chief of the Department of Pediatric Urology at the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto (1975– 1995), as the director of the Clark Morrison Children’s Urology Center, and as the Judith and Robert Winston Chair at the University of California at Los Angeles (1995–2015). He has authored 170 peer-reviewed papers, 21 book chapters, and holds eight patents relating to RNA antibiotic susceptibility testing. His former residents and fellows have secured academic appointments in pediatric urology at 42 medical schools in 10 countries. Dr. Churchill is the founder of Microbe Dx, a biotech company whose mission is evidence-based antibiotic therapy. He is the 25th recipient of the American Academy of Pediatrics Urology Medal for career accomplishments. Dr. Churchill is married to Margaret Rose Shandro, and they have four sons and seven grandchildren.
Mariève Cyr

Mariève Cyr, MSc, is a medical student at McGill University. She specializes in bridging the gap between laboratory studies and real-world applications. Her research aims to reduce fatigue in shift workers and minimize adverse events in healthcare.
Gary Donovitz, MD, FACOG

Gary Donovitz, MD, FACOG. With 30 years of clinical practice as a board certified OB/GYN, Dr. Donovitz is an internationally recognized leader, speaker, educator, and advocate of hormone optimization. He is the founder and chairman of BioTE Medical, LLC, a leading innovator in subcutaneous hormone pellet therapy, and has personally performed more than 50,000 pellet insertions. The BioTE state of the art facility trains physicians, healthcare providers, and medical staff members each month in BioTE Method Certification. Over 4,000 practitioners in more than 2,000 clinics nationwide have completed his rigorous curriculum and clinical training program, ensuring the highest safety, efficacy, and results for every patient. Collectively, these practitioners have performed more than 1.7 million pellet insertions to date. His commitment to the therapy constantly raises the bar for healthcare extends beyond hormone therapy, as Dr. Donovitz has been at the forefront of developments in robotic surgery and has trained physicians across the country on how to perform operations using these advances in technology. He is a fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, chairman of the International Consensus Committee on Testosterone Use in Women, and founder of the Institute for Hormonal Balance.
Nancy Faass, MSW, MPH

Nancy Faass, MSW, MPH, founder, and director of HealthWritersGroup.com, is a writer and editor in San Francisco who has participated on more than 50 books for both consumers and professionals, by publishers that include Harper/Quill, McGraw Hill, Jones & Bartlett, Healing Arts, New World Library, and others. For over two decades, she has worked collaboratively with clients to develop books, white papers, manuals, blogs, and web content on holistic health and integrative medicine. She has served as editor and co-author for articles published in journals that range from Pain Medicine and Spine to the Townsend Letter. A graduate of UC Berkeley School of Public Health, Ms. Faass’s services include nutritional consulting and health coaching.
www.HealthWritersGroup.com, www.TheNeverDietDiet.com
Jack Graham

Jack Graham, in his first career, was a newspaper sportswriter and editor for 11 years. Subsequently, he owned and operated a large property and casualty insurance agency for 33 years before retiring in 2014. Jack is an active member of the Rotary Club in his community and has served as past president. He is also a director of the UC Berkeley Cal Men’s Golf Committee, which helps oversee and manage one of the most successful golf programs in intercollegiate sports. On a personal level, Jack graduated with a BA from St. Martin’s University in Olympia, WA, and served six years in the US Army Reserves. He and his wife, Shelley, have been happily married for nearly 50 years and have two children and three grandchildren.
Heather Hannon MSN RN ANP-BC

Heather Hannon MSN, RN ANP-BC OCN ACGN is a board-certified adult nurse practitioner focusing on GI and GU oncology and cancer genetic counseling. She received her undergraduate degree in biology from Tufts University in Boston and her Master’s Degree in Nursing from Massachusetts General Hospital Institute of Health Professions. She is currently pursuing her doctorate in nursing at Marymount University in Arlington, VA. Ms. Hannon has worked at multiple top ten medical centers and has a wealth of experience in many aspects of cancer care, including medical and surgical oncology, oncology nurse navigation, and identification and management of individuals at high-risk for cancer. As a GI Oncology Nurse Navigator and Genetics Nurse at Bon Secours Cancer Institute in Richmond, VA, Ms. Hannon provides support and education to individuals and families throughout the cancer care continuum and is especially interested in utilizing genetic findings for informing cancer therapies. She is a member of the Oncology Nursing Society, International Society of Nurses in Genetics, American Society of Clinical Oncology, and Academy of Oncology Nurse and Patient Navigators. She is currently part of a group involved in updating the scope and definition of genetics nursing for the American Nurses Association.
Toby Hill

Toby Hill is the founder and president of Contra Costa Hearing Aid Center, Inc since 2008. Mr. Hill is certified by the American Conference of Audioprosthology and by the National Board of Certification in Hearing Instrument Sciences. He serves as a subject matter expert for the Speech Pathology Audiology Hearing Aid Dispensing Board and the National Board For Certification In Hearing Instrument Sciences. He began his career working for one of the major hearing aid manufacturers, but discovered that his real passion is working with people, helping them achieve the best hearing possible by carefully selecting and expertly fitting hearing aids. He has been a partner in one practice and now has a private practice with two locations to better serve the community.
Healthy Men, Inc

Healthy Men, Inc. is a national nonprofit that seeks to foster an environment of health equity in which boys and men have the tools, resources, and support they need to take ownership of their health and wellness. Our mission is to optimize the quality of men’s lives and enable them to be effective and productive members of their family and their communities through public communication, awareness, education, outreach, advocacy, and public policy. We do this by engaging and partnering with expert individuals and organizations to provide resources, support, training, and expertise that focuses on wellness and comprehensive health self management as a core component of masculinity.
Greg Horner, MD

Greg Horner, MD, the Tri Valley Orthopedic Specialists’ hand surgery team leader, treats conditions affecting the bones, muscles, nerves, and tendons of the hand, and wrist, from fingertip to shoulder. After playing football at Northwestern University, he went on to medical school at Johns Hopkins, did an orthopedic residency at UCLA, and gained a hand fellowship at the New England Bone and Joint Institute. He performs arthroscopy and microvascular surgery for a wide range of problems from congenital disorders in infants to injuries in adults, including work related disorders, fracture care, carpal tunnel syndrome, and sports related conditions.
Milla Impola

Milla Impola. After moving to Texas from Finland as a teenager and experiencing her first abstinence-only sex education class, Ms. Impola quickly developed an enthusiasm for comprehensive sex education as her life’s calling. In her current role as marketing director at ONE Condoms, her favorite projects involve working with educators and artists to promote sexual health.
Michael Ingegno, MD

Michael Ingegno, MD, is an experienced, board certified vascular surgeon practicing at the Vascular Surgery Medical Group in San Leandro and San Ramon, California. Dr. Ingegno is a graduate of Brown University and received his medical degree from the SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University in Brooklyn. He completed his internship and residency in general surgery at the University of California, Irvine, and completed a fellowship in vascular surgery at the University of Florida’s Health Shands Hospital in Gainesville. Currently, Dr. Ingegno is chief of staff at San Leandro Hospital and the medical director of the Endovascular Suite and Noninvasive Vascular Laboratory at Vascular Surgery Medical Group. Dr. Ingegno has served as chairman of the Department of Surgery at San Leandro Hospital and as president of the Northern California Vascular Society.
Johnny Jackson

Johnny Jackson grew up in California and played football at the University of Arizona and graduated with a bachelor’s in communications and in human development. Johnny played arena football from 2006 to 2008 and then played in the Canadian Football League. He began his career as a trainer at Crunch Fitness and has also worked at the University of California, Berkeley. Johnny has been the national trainer of the year at Crunch Gym for eight years in a row. He holds multiple certifications from the National Academy of Sports Medicine and Next College Student Athlete including nutrition, weight loss, and post rehab, as well as TRX certification.
Malcolm Johnson, MD

Malcolm Johnson, MD, is an emergency department physician, board certified in emergency medicine, employed by Vituity, and the medical director of seven fire districts. He attended the University of Wisconsin, receiving a bachelor’s degree in zoology, and completed medical school at the University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health. He completed his residency at Emory University School of Medicine and Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta.
Joel Kahn, MD, FACC

Joel Kahn, MD, FACC, is a practicing cardiologist and a clinical professor of medicine at Wayne State University School of Medicine in Detroit. He graduated Summa Cum Laude from the University of Michigan Medical School. Known as “America’s Healthy Heart Doc,” Dr. Kahn is triple board certified in internal medicine, cardiovascular medicine, and intervention al cardiology. He was the first physician in the world to be certified in metabolic cardiology with the University of South Florida. Dr. Kahn is founder of the Kahn Center for Cardiac Longevity in Bingham Farms, Michigan.
Joel Kaplan, PhD

Joel Kaplan, PhD, received his doctorate in clinical psychology and human sexuality from the University of Chicago and from Saybrook Institute in San Francisco. Dr. Kaplan has diplomate status with the American Board of Sexology and is a sex researcher and certified sex therapist. Today Dr. Kaplan is known worldwide as the premier authority and pioneer in erection enhancement therapy.
Edward Karpman, MD

Edward Karpman, MD, is a board certified urologist who is fellowship trained in male reproductive medicine and surgery, microsurgery, and male sexual dysfunction. He is the medical director of the Men’s Health Center at El Camino Hospital in Los Gatos and at the California Vasectomy and Reversal Center. Dr. Karpman is a graduate of the University of California, Davis with honors, and the University of Vermont College of Medicine, where he scored in the top 5% of all medical school graduates in the nation on his medical board exams and was awarded the James Demeules Surgical Research Award. He completed his urologic surgery training at the University of California Davis Medical Center, where he received several awards for his research and publications and was the recipient of a prestigious fellowship to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. He is currently involved in the development of new technologies for the treatment of prostate enlargement and serves as a proctor for penile implants, laser surgery of the prostate, and male incontinence operations, helping other physicians to perform these operations. Dr. Karpman has authored numerous articles and presented research at national meetings on penile implants and microsurgery. An expert in male infertility, he has been an invited lecturer, presented at national meetings, written articles, and authored a chapter on male infertility in the definitive textbook on the topic. Dr. Karpman has been interviewed by media that include NBC News, ABC News, Fox Radio, and NPR.
Brian M. Kinney, MD

Brian M. Kinney, MD. Dr. Kinney’s practice in Beverly Hills incorporates innovation with the latest technologies in surgery, utilizing minimally invasive and non invasive techniques. Dr. Kinney is clinical associate professor of plastic surgery at the University of Southern California, where he teaches medical students and residents specialized surgical techniques and is the associate editor of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery Journal and the Archives of Plastic Surgery. He has served as president of the Plastic Surgery Educational Foundation (PSF), chairman of the board of trustees of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), board member of The Aesthetic Society, and board member of the International Society of Plastic Regenerative Surgery, of which he is the cofounder. An internationally recognized inventor and patent holder, he is a lead researcher for Thermi, Emsculpt, and Algeness: one of the original researchers on Emsculpt NEO; a researcher for Renuva, Renuvion, Motiva, and Intellifat; and is a co-developer of Algeness and Attenuate. He is also an expert teacher/trainer for Thermi, Intellifat, Algeness, Motiva Implants, Renuvion, Emsculpt, and others. A recipient of awards for advanced breast augmentation techniques, he is actively involved in aesthetics research focused on fat injection and stem cell applications and has participated in FDA clinical trials for various injectables and implants.
James Korkos, MD

James Korkos, MD is a Board Certified Anesthesiologist and has more than 25 years of experience in healthcare. He is currently a Senior Medical Director at Blue Shield of California. Prior to joining Blue Shield, Dr. Korkos was the Northern California Medical Director for UnitedHealthcare. There he was responsible for medical group performance and cost of healthcare across all lines of business. Dr. Korkos attended Vanderbilt University and the University of Wisconsin. He earned his Medical Degree from the Medical College of Wisconsin, where he also completed a residency in Anesthesiology. Dr. Korkos is an entrepreneur, having successfully secured millions in venture capital funding for medical startups. He has also assisted in the development of an ambulatory surgical facility in Wisconsin.
Jonathan Larose, Esq, MBA

Jonathan Larose, Esq, MBA has extensive experience in all areas of family law. Jonathan earned his bachelor’s at San Francisco State in political science and economics. He then earned his MBA, with an emphasis on finance, at the University of San Francisco and his law degree at New College of California School of Law. He creates pre marriage, cohabitation, and post marriage agreements. He also works on all issues related to paternity, divorce, annulment, and legal separation actions, including child and spousal support, community property, custody, breach of marital fiduciary duties, child relocations, asset tracing, international accounts and property, interstate conflicts and jurisdiction, attorney fee reimbursement, domestic violence, and marital harassment. Jonathan is both a litigator and a mediator and is adept at forensic investigation. He works with a range of private experts, including accountants, appraisers, medical evaluators, vocational evaluators, bankers, human resources, estate and corporate attorneys, psychologists, international law firms, custody assessors, private judges, appellate experts, and private investigators.
Max Lippman, DC

Max Lippman, DC, is a leader in the chiropractic community, serving the San Francisco Bay Area for the last decade. Working with professional athletes, tech CEOs, and weekend warriors, Dr. Lippman is a master of spinal manipulation, myofascial release, functional movement, and stress management. He studied at Oregon State University and received his doctorate from Life Chiropractic College West. Dr. Lippman is the past president of the Cal Chiro Contra Costa District, has served as president of the Danville Sycamore Valley Rotary Club, and is an active member of his community. Currently residing in Pleasanton with his wife and two kids, Dr. Lippman enjoys swimming, running, and catching an Oakland A’s game on a sunny day.
Matthew Lodewick, MD

Matthew Lodewick, MD, is a University of California, Berkeley, graduate who studied molecular and cell biology, as well as comparative literature. He then studied medicine at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, and subsequently completed a pediatric residency and an adult and pediatric fellowship in allergy/immunology at Children’s Hospital of Seattle and the University of Washington. He returned to the San Francisco Bay Area in 2004 to establish a practice in the treatment of allergies. Dr. Lodewick is a Fellow of the American Academy of Pediatrics, a member of the Allergy Association of Northern California, and a Fellow of the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology. In addition, he is a member of the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. His special interests include the management of asthma disorders and food allergies. When not in the office, you will find Dr. Lodewick enjoying time with his family, on a bike, on a trail, or with a book in hand.
William Longton, MD

William Longton, MD, is a physician specializing in pain management and anesthesiology who treats patients at Pain Medicine Consultants in Pleasant Hill, California. Dr. Longton trained at Stanford University, where he participated in several studies related to the effects of pain on the human body. After completing his residency and fellowship in anesthesiology and pain medicine, Dr. Longton stayed on as a faculty member at Stanford Medical Center, attending the operating rooms and the pain clinic. He trained and taught side by side with some of the original leaders in the field of pain therapy. Dr. Longton has held leadership positions in pain management at Stanford University, Santa Clara Valley Medical Center, and John Muir Health Medical Center. He has almost 20 years of experience in his field and is board certified in anesthesiology and pain medicine. His expertise includes multidisciplinary care and cancer pain management, with particular expertise in spinal cord stimulation and spinal medication delivery systems. Dr. Longton is an avid cyclist, skier, and windsurfer and is a previous world class athlete and finalist in the U.S. Olympic Trials in swimming.
Scott Lu, MD

Scott Lu, MD, is currently completing a master’s degree in the advanced study of clinical research with specialization in implementation sciences at the University of California, San Francisco. His research has focused on patient reported outcomes among survivors of Kaposi’s sarcoma in East Africa. In response to the tremendous need for highly developed research on SARS CoV 2 infection, he is currently coinvestigator on multiple UCSF studies, including: a CDC funded study on the natural history and infectivity of SARS CoV 2 infection to inform on policy and procedure for COVID-19 prevention and management and an NIH funded study on the long term impact of SARS CoV 2 infection.
Ahad Mahootchi, MD

Ahad Mahootchi, MD, is a board certified ophthalmologist and founder of The Eye Clinic of Florida, which provides world class cataract and specialty ophthalmic surgery and care. Dr. Mahootchi is one of Florida’s highest ated cataract, glaucoma, and eyelid surgeons. PatientsChoice.org has recognized him as a Top Ten doctor in Florida, and he leads the region with the best outcomes for eye and eyelid surgery. With 25 years of experience, he has performed more than 28,000 eye surgeries. In addition, he has more than two decades of experience in placing astigmatism correcting implants and in laser vision correction. He is currently the most experienced surgeon in the country in placing XEN Gel Stent implants for glaucoma. Dr. Mahootchi was born in Carbondale, Illinois, and grew up in Tennessee. He attended Vanderbilt University School of Medicine in Nashville and performed his internship in internal medicine and residency in ophthalmology at Vanderbilt. He is board certified by the American Board of Ophthalmology.
Eric Mariotti, MD

Eric Mariotti, MD, is a board certified plastic surgeon, providing plastic and reconstructive surgery in the East Bay region of the San Francisco Bay Area. He is also the medical director of Premier Surgery Center where all of his procedures are performed. Dr. Mariotti’s patients think of him as a down to earth guy who also happens to be a talented plastic surgeon. He served as chairman of the Plastic Surgery Division at John Muir Medical Center in Concord for more than 15 years. He has been in practice for over 20 years and is honored to serve the community where he grew up.
Bret McLaughlin, PhD, MBA

Bret McLaughlin, PhD, MBA, is a licensed psychologist and a specialist in forensic and clinical psychology. He earned a bachelor’s degree in psychology, literature, and education from the University of California, Santa Cruz; a master’s in British and American Literature from New York University; a masters and doctorate in psychology from The Wright Institute; and an MBA from California State University, Sacramento. At the Department of State Hospitals, Bret provided mental health evaluations and served as an expert witness in the California courts. At the Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation, he served as vicechair of the Psychology Department at the California Medical Facility and as chief psychologist and chief of mental health at the California Healthcare Facility. He is currently the founding dean of the College of Psychology at California Northstate University and is a board member for the Sacramento Valley Psychological Association.
Men’s Health Network

Men’s Health Network is a national non profit organization whose mission is to reach men, boys, and their families where they live, work, play, and pray with health awareness and disease prevention messages and tools, screening programs, educational materials, advocacy opportunities, and patient navigation.
David Miller, MD

David Miller, MD, grew up in Georgia, where he received his medical degree from the Medical College of Georgia in Augusta in 1992. He completed his general surgery and urology residencies at Vanderbilt University Affiliated Hospitals in Nashville where he also served as chief resident of urology. Dr. Miller then completed a fellowship in urologic oncology at the Monash Medical Center in Melbourne, Australia. He is board certified by the American Board of Urology and is an active member of the American Urological Association and the American Medical Association. In addition, David is an active member of the Richmond Academy of Medicine. His extensive research over the years has provided him the opportunity to present and publish his findings, for which he has received a number of accolades.
Michael Murphy, MD, MPH

Michael Murphy, MD, MPH, is a board certified head and neck surgeon whose practice encompasses a full range of services for patients of all ages. Dr. Murphy is also board certified in sleep medicine and treats sleep apnea and other sleep disorders. His dual board certification as a sleep specialist and surgeon enables him to provide surgical and non surgical treatment options for patients with sleep disorders. Laryngology (the study of voice and swallowing disorders) has also been an area of particular interest throughout his career. He works closely with a speech pathologist, and together they offer a comprehensive approach for patients with voice and swallowing disorders. Dr. Murphy grew up in Moraga, CA, and returned home to join Diablo Valley ENT in 2002. He is married with two children and enjoys golf, snow skiing, and running.
Jay A. Olson, PhD

Jay A. Olson, PhD, is a postdoctoral fellow at Harvard University. He develops behavioral interventions targeting issues ranging from jet lag and shift work fatigue to smartphone addiction and behavioral disorders. His research has been featured on such media outlets as CNN, NBC, Time Magazine, and the New York Times.
Joshua Perlroth, MD

Joshua Perlroth, MD, was born in the San Francisco Bay Area and attended Duke University, earning a BA in history. He then attended USC Keck School of Medicine and completed his internal medicine residency and infectious diseases fellow ship at Harbor UCLA Medical Center. Since 2007 his practice in the San Francisco Bay Area has focused on the treatment and management of infectious diseases, and he is affiliated with four hospitals. He has served as chair of the Department of Medicine at John Muir Walnut Creek since 2015. In addition, he is the chair of the Antibiotic Stewardship Committee and serves on the Medical Executive, Pharmacy and Therapeutics, and Quality Improvement committees for John Muir Health.
Jeffrey Piccirillo, DO

Jeffrey Piccirillo, DO, is a board certified orthopedic surgeon who developed an interest in platelet rich plasma in 2002. He did his undergraduate work at Penn State University and attended medical school at the Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine, graduating as valedictorian in 1989. Jeff continued his training at the Chicago Osteopathic Medical Center in orthopedic surgery from 1989 to 2004. Then, he entered private practice, focusing on general orthopedics, with an interest in adult reconstructive surgery and sports medicine. In 2002, when a representative from one of the major joint replacement companies brought a centrifuge into the operating room, his love for regenerative medicine and PRP began. In 2009, he switched from a surgical practice to one focusing on the regeneration of tissue. As his protocols and products evolved, Dr. Piccirillo started consulting for other practices, teaching them how to provide regenerative medicine. His recent book, Perfect PRP, covers his trademarked method for optimal use of RP.
www.perfectprpthebook.com, www.regenmedicalgroup.com
Dean Pohlman

Dean Pohlman is an ERYT 200 certified yoga instructor and the founder of Man Flow Yoga. An authority on yoga for men and for fitness, his workouts and programs have been used by professional and collegiate athletes, athletic trainers, personal trainers, and everyday guys who just want to be a little health ier. His website is one of the most popular training programs in yoga for men available on the Internet, with more than 20,000 trainees and customers. In addition, Dean is a successfully published author through DK Publishing (Yoga Fitness for Men), selling 35,000 copies worldwide in English, French, and German. He co-produced the Body by Yoga DVD series, which has sold more than 40,000 copies on Amazon.com since its release in 2016. Dean lives in Austin, Texas, with his wife, son, and two dogs, Flowtron and Kaya.
Brad Robinson

Brad Robinson is a sound and video engineer living in the San Francisco Bay Area. He studied electrical engineering at Vanderbilt University. As a 23 year veteran of the technology industry, he provides design and integration services for the residential, hospitality, commercial, government, and education markets. Brad started his career as co DJ on Dr. Brandeis’s Friday night house music radio show Club91 on WRVU in Nashville in 1995. Since that humble beginning, Brad has been a house music DJ performing at a wide variety of venues and a member of the Space Cowboys, a San Francisco based music and art collective with ties to the Burning Man community.
Charles Runels, MD

Charles Runels, MD, initially worked for three years as a research chemist at the Southern Research Institute. He then completed medical school at the University of Alabama in Birmingham, after which he completed his residency and became board certified in internal medicine. During twelve years as an ER physician, he founded the largest group of emergency room physicians in his state, while also serving as medical director of a hyperbaric treatment service for wound care. He then began medical practice and initiated research in areas of wellness, endocrinology, cosmetic medicine, and sexual medicine. He has contributed to multiple peer reviewed scientific publications in the areas of hypertension, hormone replacement, immunology, and dermatology. In cosmetic medicine, he is designer of a protocol using growth factors to rejuvenate the face, widely known as the Vampire Facelift, and founded the American Cosmetic Cellular Medicine Association. His recent work includes research on urinary incontinence and sexual function using platelet rich plasma (PRP) in both men and women, resulting in the development of the O-Shot and P-Shot (Priapus Shot) procedures. Over the past 10 years, he has trained more than 2,000 physicians worldwide in these procedures. Dr. Runels is the father of three sons and lives in Fairhope, Alabama.
www.Runels.com, www.CellularMedicineAssociation.org
Paul C. Scholberg, DDS

Paul C. Scholberg, DDS, is a graduate of the University of the Pacific School of Dentistry and practiced dentistry for more than 40 years in Danville and Pleasanton, California. Dr. Scholberg has served as a clinical instructor and assistant professor at the University of the Pacific Dental School. He has extensive experience providing cosmetic dental reconstruction and “smile design” involving the use of high-tech digital software to create an optimal smile. Dr. Scholberg has participated in undergraduate, postgraduate, and continuing education and is currently happily retired
Angela Stanford, MBA, RDN

Angela Stanford is a sought after nutrition and wellness expert focused on preventative and integrated health. For more than 20 years, she has been helping others learn how to eat mindfully and make lifestyle choices. She practices personalized nutrition and coaches clients through roadblocks to achieve their vision of vibrant health and wellness. From corporate wellness to her private practice in Danville, California, Angela counsels individuals, delivers corporate wellness programs, and teaches classes and workshops. Angela earned a BA in Nutrition from the University of Illinois, completed her dietetic internship at UW Hospital and Clinics in Madison, Wisconsin, and holds an MBA from the University of San Francisco. Angela is a credentialed registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN), a nationally board certified health and wellness coach (NBC-HWC) accredited through the American College of Lifestyle Medicine and the American College of Sports Medicine, and a registered yoga teacher (RYT).
Joe Starkey

Joe Starkey began broadcasting sports on radio and television with the California Golden Seals of the National Hockey League. Since 1975 he has been calling games on radio for the California Golden Bears of the Pacific 12 Conference. His call of the finish of the 1982 Big Game between UC Berkeley and Stanford is rated among the best of all time. From 1987 through 2008, he also called games on radio for the San Francisco 49ers, including three Super Bowls. He is a member of three halls of fame: the National Football Foundation for his distinguished career as a sports announcer for college football, the University of California Sports Hall of Fame, and the Bay Area Radio Hall of Fame.
Jonathan Steinberg, DPM

Jonathan Steinberg, DPM, has been practicing podiatric medicine and surgery in Walnut Creek and Concord, California for more than twenty years. He attended the Pennsylvania College of Podiatric Medicine and completed his surgical residency at Riverside Hospital in Wilmington, Delaware. Dr. Steinberg is a past chairman of the Podiatry Section at the John Muir Medical Center campuses in Walnut Creek and Concord. He is board certified by the American Board of Podiatric Surgery, a fellow of the American College of Foot and Ankle Surgery, and an Expert Medical Reviewer for the Board of Podiatric Medicine.
Jerry Stine

Jerry Stine is a nutritional consultant, longevity coach, and the director of the Lifespan Institute for Functional and Anti aging Nutrition. The Lifespan Institute was founded in 1987 to develop advanced life extension and performance enhancing programs. For the past 25 years, Jerry has been an independent nutritional counselor with an active private practice and has served as a consultant for several respected vitamin manufacturers.
Michael Tebb

Michael Tebb is a graduate of Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo with a concentration in landscape design. He has served as a landscape designer for more than three decades in the San Francisco Bay Area, providing personalized services and creating exquisite landscapes for his clientele. Michael believes that “one’s property should be an oasis that relaxes, soothes, and inspires. It must showcase, yet feel like home.” He uses structure, space, path, and flow to create an experience as the viewer moves through the landscape. His work incorporates California native flora and hardscape, integrating the effect with the surrounding land. Michael Tebb works throughout California.
Peter D. Vash, MD, MPH, FACE

Peter D. Vash, MD, MPH, FACE, is an assistant clinical professor of medicine at UCLA Medical Center and a fellow of the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists. He is also in the first cohort of scholars at UCLA who completed the program in 1978 and is a board certified internist specializing in endocrinology and metabolism, with an emphasis on obesity and eating disorders. While a scholar, he trained in endocrinology, earned an MPH, and established an out patient obesity study clinic at UCLA Medical Center. There Dr. Vash implemented randomized, controlled clinical trials to test the effects of a very low calorie diet, in the form of either an amino acid solution or carbohydrate solution, on weight loss results, cost, and safety. He is a past president of the American Society of Bariatric Physicians and served on the North American Society Board for the Study of Obesity (NASSO). Dr. Vash works in private practice with patients suffering from obesity and eating disorders and has lectured extensively, both nationally and internationally, on the medical management and treatment of obesity. In addition, he has been an invited expert witness to speak before a U.S. Senate sub committee and the FTC concerning medical weight loss issues and the safety and impact of commercial weight loss programs.
www.attenuatepro.com, www.petervashmd.com
Adam Wallach, MD

Adam Wallach, MD, attended New York University School of Medicine, performed his post medical training in dermatology at Cornell Medical Center, and then attended NYU for his residency. He initially worked in private practice in New York City, where he was also an assistant professor at Saint Vincent’s Hospital in Manhattan. In 2001 Adam relocated to Northern California, where he has since practiced medical, surgical, and cosmetic dermatology. He is an advising physician at John Muir Hospital in Walnut Creek, California, and currently practices in Danville and Truckee, California. Dr. Wallach actively participates in teaching students who rotate through his office, and he enjoys a stellar reputation among patients and doctors alike. Additionally, Dr. Wallach is known for his detailed performance of facial surgery for the treatment of skin cancer and his expert use of fillers and lasers.
Alan Wang

Alan Wang is a health insurance expert, culture analyst, and consultant to leading organizations throughout the world. Mr. Wang has helped organizations change the way in which they view healthcare and support the healthy behaviors of employees within their own company culture. He advises corporate leaders on creating new dynamic areas within the health insurance continuum that contribute to stronger and more resilient organizations. He also champions the benefit of disruptive solutions that break the chain of conventional wisdom as a means of effective problem solving, and he applies historical and evidence based means to develop new ways of creating change.
Adam Wenguer

Adam Wenguer is the founder and CEO of Element Health, LLC, which provides full spectrum CBD, hemp based products. An expert in the use of CBD and cannabis for peak wellness and performance, he is also highly trained and experienced in the utilization of botanical and mycological compounds for ceremonial/shamanic application. Adam holds a BA in applied physiology and kinesiology from the University of Florida. He is a lifelong martial artist and combat instructor, a four stripe brown belt in Brazilian jiujitsu, Muay Thai/boxing, and armed combat. Adam is a mindfulness based meditation practitioner/instructor and proponent of conscious hunting. He has more than 15 years of experience as a strength and conditioning specialist and health coach at a premier five star wellness resort, working with a wide array of professional athletes, company executives, and individuals seeking optimal health. Many were suffering from a similar pattern of sleep issues, anxiety, inflammatory conditions, and a general emotional and spiritual disconnect—which led to his creation of Element Health.
www.ElementHealthSupply.com IG: @ElementHealth
Philip Werthman, MD

Philip Werthman, MD, is considered the top fertility specialist in Los Angeles by both his colleagues and his patients. Dr. Werthman began his medical career at Hahnemann University School of Medicine in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, where he was the class valedictorian, having ranked first in his class for all four years of medical school. He was also awarded the Medical Staff Award for highest attainment on the National Boards medical examination. Dr. Werthman subsequently completed his seven year residency and fellowship in urology at the University of California, Los Angeles. Issues of male infertility and microsurgery.