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Advice from 50 Top Doctors and Men’s Health Experts
so You Can Feel Great, Look Good, and Have Better Sex

By Judson Brandeis, MD

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About The 21st Century Man

What does a successful and healthy life look like? How can men maximize their health to live their best lives? More importantly, ona man’s life journey, what changes are needed to build a mind and bodythat will help him develop and maintain health, strength, and vigor? Dr. Judson Brandeis, in his straightforward and compelling guide to men’shealth, The 21st Century Man, addresses these questions and so many morewhile providing a clear road map for maximizing men’s health.

“It’s important to remind yourself that you have the power to make significant changes in your healthrisks,” states Brandeis. “There is strength in taking action to reduce our risks. And if we are struggling,we need to become proactive about our health…We owe that to ourselves.”